March 8th 'Transform Indiana' meeting...
Jimmy Dorrell, Mission Waco
The March 8th meeting of Transform Indiana will again coincide with the "Community Faith Forum" series. This time, the special guest speaker will be Jimmy Dorrell, from Mission Waco. He'll speak in the morning for the forum (open to the public), and then will join us for our lunchtime meeting of Transform Indiana (open to Christian pastors, elders, prayer warriors, webmasters, etc.... from noon til 2pm).
The meeting rotates to Neighborhood Fellowship on east 10th street, where Outreach Indiana is co-located. It should be yet another great meeting. [Thanks Scott & everyone involved with CCDA Indy 2005, for collaborating like this, to impact lives & communities in the ONE name of Christ!]
See you all on Tuesday the 8th .
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