'Moderate' Bayh...
OpinionGotta love Russ Pulliam's generosity today in the Indianapolis Star, referring to Sen. Bayh as a 'moderate'. The senator's recent extreme position taken against Secretary of State Condi Rice seemed to signal his apparent willingness to alienate his constituency in Indiana, not to mention his previous support by the African American community. [Evan, what were you thinking?]
Nonetheless, Russ bears out a great Hoosier trait -- giving people the benefit of the doubt. And we'd have to believe he's right on target implying the need for the Democratic party to change.
It reminds me of an illustration I heard this week, about a golfer having a horrible day. At one point this duffer's bad luck seemed to change as his ball landed neatly on top of an ant-hill, perfectly teed-up for his next shot. But after killing thousands of ants with each subsequent swing-and-miss, finally only 2 ants remained. One looked at the other and said...
"If we don't get on the ball, we're gonna die."
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