Newspaper man accuses bloggers of McCarthyism...
"In an extraordinary attack, a leading international newspaper representative has accused bloggers of McCarthyism in a post to leading editors around the globe. Authoring the attack was Bertrand Pecquerie, an expert in newspaper syndication and press networks, who is the Director of the World Editors Forum, the organisation for editors within the World Association of Newspapers (WAN)." [continue]
CNN's 2/11/2005 Announcement:
CNN chief news executive Eason Jordan resigned Friday, saying the controversy over his remarks about the deaths of journalists in Iraq threatened to tarnish the network he helped build." [continue]
La Shawn Barber's Corner: "Eason Jordan Resigns. Truth!"
"Old Media, Mainstream Media, Big Media, Legacy Media, Fourth Estate, Dinosaurs — whatever they call themselves — they’d be the wiser to read BLOG: Understanding the Information Reformation."
Michelle Malkin:
"One of the members of Pecquerie's organization is the Newspaper Association of America..." [continue]
"Truth will prevail. Truth at the speed of light will prevail at the speed of Light."
...Neil Cox,
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