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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Christendom and the Matrix...

by Marcus Warner, Sr. Pastor, River Oaks Community Church, Carmel

[video link]

Life is complicated. It's like you are born into a game that has been going on for a long time and you don't know what the rules are, or what the object of the game is. To make matters worse, nobody else seems to know either. Some people are adamant that they have it all figured out, but you don't have to talk to them too long to realize they have a long way to go. In our culture, most seem to have given up on anything like figuring out the game let alone winning it. One of the reasons I am a Christian is that the Bible's explanation of the game of life makes sense to me. I see it play out in reality. I have it work in the lives of people in virtually every culture on earth from India and China to the Middle East, from Europe to Africa, and obviously here in America.

Christianity gets a lot of bad press. Much of it is rooted in two sources. 1) Christendom. One of the worst things that ever happened to Christianity was Christendom. When the church became the official religion of the Roman Empire and everyone was suddenly "born" Christian, being "born again" went out the window. Most of what people hold against Christianity can be laid at the feet of Christendom: the crusades, the inquisition, opposition to the scientific revolution, and state sponsored religion in general. Christendom is a culture with rules of behavior. Christianity is a living faith rooted in a personal relationship with a living God. 2) The Matrix. The Bible teaches that there is an unseen realm in which a war between the spiritual forces of good and evil are going at it. To some people this sounds like science fiction, but I have lived it and seen its power. After hearing at least three dozen demons speak through people and take control of their bodies to various degrees, and after helping people find freedom from the snares of the devil for over twenty years, I know it's real.

Paul wrote, "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of Christ" (2 Corinthians4:4). He was right. Just as the Matrix was a computer that lied to people and blinded them to the truth of their condition, so our spiritual enemy blinds people today.

The Bible's answer to the question of the game of life is pretty simple-the goal of the game is to enter eternal life and to send ahead as much treasure as possible by loving others and living in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ."


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