7/11 -- Praying for our enemies
LaShawn Barber
As befitting of children of God, retreat, and lift up your voices in prayer and supplication not just for the brethren in London. Remember the suffering of the saints worldwide. Ask God to strengthen them at a time when their faith may be weakened the most, for this is the essence of faith: believing in the risen Christ even though we didn’t see him rise, and believing that he, in fact, died to pay the penalty for our disobedience.
God set his law before the people, and they proceeded to break each and every one. But as the men of God prophesied and as he promised, a Savior was sent to bear the sins of the people. So retreat on your lunch hour today or whenever you can, express eternal gratitude for his sacrifice, and remember what the Lord said...
[contined at LaShawnBarber.com]
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