Young, Restless, Reformed
[Editiorial Note: Today's post was sparked by the great Christianity Today cover article... "Young, Restless Reformed"... but we continued collecting great related resources for you which we hope will be equally enlightening and fun. Enjoy today's post.]Christianity Today's September cover story... "Young, Restless, Reformed". [hat-tip, Justin Taylor]
And here's a great cast of characters, caricatures, and bio's... along with a ton of other great resources... at [hat-tip, BarWal1]
Check out "Together For The Gospel"... a conference held in Louisville earlier this year, pulling together great pastors/leaders from across a number of denominations. [And notice, they've continued their collaborative team-blog since then.]
Or the new Reformation21 blog.
You can also pick up the discussion at WorldMag Blog]
Perhaps review this research about Calvinist pastors within the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention).
Or if you wonder why Reformers are making such headway these days... one need look no further than the formidable Dr. Albert Mohler **smile** see video below**, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Visit Just for fun, here's a video clip on YouTube.
Btw, Dr. Mohler will be the keynote speaker at this week's NANC Conference being held in Indianapolis on the campus of College Park Church.
And last but not least, sit back and enjoy 'Reformed Gangstas Rap' video. LOLLLL. [Jason Bradfield link]
John Piper's new book is available as a FREE pdf file via his web site. Way to go, bro.
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