Day 36 of FHL 40-day prayer
Our prayer focus for Faith, Hope and Love Week is taken fromIsaiah 61:1-2:July 23, 2007
“The spirit of the sovereign Lord is on me because He has anointed me”
Father, in the North, South, East and West volunteers need Your anointing as they minister to people that You paid a price for. Thank you for Your empowerment to reach the city for You.
23 de Julio de 2007
“El Espiritu del Senor Soberano esta en mi y me ha unjido.
Padre tus voluntarios al norte, al sur, al este y al oeste necesitan de tu uncion En la medida que ministran a la gente por que tu has pagado el precio, gracias por la fortaleza para alcanzar la ciudad para ti.Day 36 40-day Prayer
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