Colts vs. Patriots... Who's Side Is God On? Let Google Settle It...
It's a fair question -- Who's side is God on, this Sunday??? The Undefeated COLTS? Or the previously-undefeated Patriots?We could guess, I suppose, just from how He frowns upon 'cheating'... But no one is saying for sure,... although pretty certainly He's spoken directly to Coach Dungy... and Tony is just too polite to mention it.
So we're left to our own devices, to know the answer to this important question. And what do we do when we don't know the answer to something? We look it up in the Bible, right? But in this case, like some other great questions, the Bible is silent on the matter. So NOW where do we turn to search out the answer?
Google, of course...
- "Boston Patriots" and Christians -- 11,000 hits
- "Indianapolis Colts" and Christians -- 1,400,000 hits.
Go COLTS !!!
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