Communing Together...
It's been a loving, multicultural taste of heaven this week... fellowshipping & learning together... capped by this morning worshipping together here in St. Louis... breaking bread together... and reluctantly, together leaving to return to our respective cities.In an unrelated, yet very related 'Involuntary Community' article this morning, contains a marvelous quote from Charles Drew...
" 'Church' is not an event. It is people--people whom God calls us to love. What is more, it is in a very important sense an involuntary community of people: we don't choose our brothers and sisters--God does. And sometimes (oftentimes) those people are not terribly compatible with us--not the people we would choose to hang out with. But it is this very incompatibility that is so important, for at least two reasons. First, learning to love the people I don't like is by far the best way to learn how to love (it's easy to love people I happen to like). Second, the church is supposed to be a sociological miracle--a demonstration that Jesus has died and risen to create a new humanity composed of all sorts of people."
Thank you Tim for sharing the words I felt today.
I was at the conference too.
I am curious how are you, if you have not already begun, going to put the words of the conference into practice?
Great question, Eric. [continued at your blog, featured today at]
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