Make It Free
[IndyChristian Ed. Note: This is an excellent piece by the folks at 'Desiring God' ministry, and one worth considering as we best demonstrate the unity & harmony of the body of Christ sharing our common message & resources.]Make It Free: Improving Online Effectiveness by Removing All Barriers to Accessing and Sharing Content
"If you are a Christian media ministry, I commend the following vision for maximizing your effectiveness online: Post all of your content online, for free, without requiring registration, in a maximally usable interface.
This basis for doing this follows from the purpose of ministry and the purpose of a ministry website. The purpose of any ministry is, at root, to spread the message of the good news of God's grace. And the purpose of a ministry website is thus to serve as an avenue for spreading that message."
[continued at Desiring God][And here's just one variety of items they're making freely available online]
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