Creation Museum... Educational Injustice?
[from Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis...]Yesterday, I reported on an article in the Courier-Journal newspaper (of Louisville, Kentucky) about an “evolutionary evangelist” who visited the Creation Museum. The reporter wrote a quality article reporting on this visit and what the museum teaches etc.
Today, I want to share—from the same Kentucky newspaper (the largest in the state)—a different sort of piece. This is an opinion piece written about the museum by a former science teacher, now a laboratory director who resides in England. I have reprinted sections below and made some comments:
“There is a great educational injustice being inflicted upon thousands of children in this country, a large percentage of whom come from the Kentucky, Ohio and, Indiana areas. The source of this injustice is a sophisticated Christian ministry that uses the hook of dinosaurs, the guarantee of an afterlife, and the horrors of hell to convince children and their families to believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible..."[continued at Answers In Genesis]
[IndyChristian Ed.Note... It seems that Ken and creation science advocates have struck a nerve. Is there something about the 'theory of evolution' that can't stand scrutiny?]
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