MLK topic... national cityreaching call... Jan. 17th
by Phil Miglioratti, Mission America CoalitionMany believe that without reconciliation and forgiveness there will be no sustained city/community transformation! Join us for our monthly City Reaching Conference Call on Thursday, January 17 when we will interview Michael Lienau who has produced a very provocative film "Yokes and Chains...a journey to forgiveness and freedom".
[continued at NPPN Blog]
IndyChristian Ed. Note: Here in Indy, let me turn you onto a new page in the cityreaching wiki... MLK Day Activities. Any of you 'cityreachers' out there are welcome to add items to the list. That's the value of these 'collaborative' Web2.0 type tools available to us today... they help us work TOGETHER. After all, that's to be the nature of the Church, is it not?
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