Interview with Dr. Albert Mohler
Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., current president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a candidate for the SBC presidency in Indianapolis, IN in June, has graciously granted my request for an interview. This interview was conducted by telephone on Thursday, January 31, 2008. Many thanks to Dr. Mohler for making time for me in his busy schedule.
The interview as follows is a verbatim account of my questions and Dr. Mohler's responses. I have taken the liberty of abbreviating "Southern Baptist Convention" as "SBC."
Question: The past two presidents of the SBC have had certain emphases that distinguished their presidencies. Dr. Welch emphasized evangelism and Dr. Page has been emphasizing unity and praying for revival. What will be the main emphasis of your presidency?
Dr. Mohler's Response: Well I don't want to be presumptuous but if Southern Baptists should elect me then I would focus on two main issues as my theme, that would be...
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