The Mercy Seat, April 26th
On Saturday, April 26th the body of Christ in
After 50 days of round-the-clock corporate prayer and fasting for the 2004 elections, a group of prayer warriors — young and old alike — packed up their sleeping bags and headed to Washington, DC filled with purpose and confidence that prayer can change the course of a nation.
For 31 days they stood at the United States Supreme Court with the word “LIFE” written raw on a piece of red tape that covered their mouths. Their silent prayers rose day after day to the Court that’s higher than the highest court in the land–??31 days for 31 years of legalized abortion in America.?? What was birthed during that time of intercession has gone on to impact the entire nation in a very short period of time.
If you go to the Supreme Court today, you will find a company still there. Through rain, blizzards and scorching heat they have never abandoned the siege. They are there until the Judges reverse the decree of death.
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