Front Porch Bloggin'...
[This article regards the STATE's interest in the 'Front Porch Alliance'. Also see the new announcement of the Front Porch Alliance for the City of Indianapolis.][The following has been excerpted from the blog of former fire-fighter & city councilor, Ike Randolph...]
"I recently traded my firecoat and helmet for a shirt and tie after 22 years as an Indianapolis firefighter. On March 24th I was appointed by Governor Mitch Daniels as the Executive Director of the OFBCI- Office of Faith-based and Community Initiatives (yeah that really rolls off the tongue now doesn't it!).
The Good Works tour is a personal commitment borne from a conversation I had with Governor Daniels when I took the helm of the OFBCI. We both shared a sincere belief that government doesn't nor shouldn't have a monopoly on good deeds, that good works can occur without having to be lead by government. Our discussion ended with the question 'how can we prove our hypothesis and provide assistance where needed at the same time?'. Well with his marching orders in hand I've decided that finding examples would be my mission. I want to see firsthand what's happening in communities and neighborhoods across the Hoosier State. I will use this blog to share my observations with department heads and community leaders like you on the great things happening when folks decide to make a difference in their neighborhoods. This will also give me an opportunity to see what the OFBCI or other agencies can do to make your job just a little bit easier. We realize of course, that sometime it may simply mean getting out of your way and well, that's ok too.
I will be hitting the road very soon, so if you want me to stop by your neck-of-the-woods just send me an email, with the who, what, when and where. Give me a couple of dates to select and we'll make it happen..."
[continued at Front Porch Indiana blog]
"Many of you might be wondering quietly (or not so quietly) - Hey fireguy on the roof....what's with the blog name "Front Porch Indiana"? Fair question.
The 'front porch' is the town hall on every block, the best podium to promote civic discussion, the ideal location for child recreation, mentoring and supervision, and the optimum site for crime detection and prevention.
The Front Porch Indiana is a new initiative from the Indiana Office of Faith-based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI) designed to leverage the wide array of resources within state government and connect them with the grassroots expertise and power of local community and faith-based groups. This is a cooperative effort..." [continued at Front Porchin' Indiana]
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