'Homeless Christians'... Searching For The Perfect Church
[The following article is from Brandon Perry, Religion Editor for the Indianapolis Recorder...]"In the six years I’ve been blessed to be a writer for the Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper, a disturbing number of people have shared their disillusionment and frustration with the church as an institution.
“Christ is my man and I still love God, but I can’t stand those toxic church folks,” is the kind of statement that I’ve heard from people who no longer participate at their church.
These brothers and sisters fall in the category of what I call “homeless Christians.” They are believers who still desire to follow Christ but currently have no church home. A number of them have also allowed mistreatment they received by a few people in one congregation to cast doubt about their entire faith and reject all churches.
Reasons people have given for leaving a church are as plentiful as the stars in the sky...." [continued at IndianapolisRecorder.com]
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