Chronicle Changes Its Name... to Christian Press
Russ Jones, Publisher
After ten years publishing under the masthead of The Wichita Chronicle and later The Chronicle Christian Newspaper, the newspaper will change its name. Effective September 1, 2008 the paper will operate as the Christian Press.
Nearly a year ago the law firm of Vaughn, Winton & Clark of Edmond, Oklahoma, who represent the Church of Christ denominational newspaper The Christian Chronicle, requested The Chronicle Christian Newspaper to cease and desist under its current name. Attorneys claim The Chronicle Christian Newspaper name violates federal trademark law protecting the Oklahoma based denominational newspaper’s identity.
“Though the owners of the trademark have no objection to your use of the name The Chronicle, the owners do object to the use of the words Chronicle and Christian together for the designation of a religious news publication because of the confusion created and infringement on the registered trademark,” said Matthew Winton of Vaughn, Winton and Clark.
Publishers Russ and Jackie Jones retained the services of Wichita based Martin, Pringle, Oliver, Wallace and Bauer in their defense. The paper’s defense pointed out differences between a denominational publication and the efforts of The Chronicle to reach a broader Christian market.
“Your client’s newspaper publication is intended to reach its specific membership, those who are members of the Church of Christ,” attorney Lora Jennings wrote in a letter. “My client’s monthly publication reaches a wholly separate audience.”
CP photo, Jackie Jones with Indianapolis writer Bella Louisa
The Jones’ say after spending much time, energy and money defending the name it was time to move on.
“We’ve prayed this through and there comes a time when fighting isn’t beneficial,” said co-publisher Russ Jones. “There are experiences and interactions on this earth I won’t ever really understand. It is only a name – there are many good names.”
Changing the name became easier when a Christian psychiatrist from Nigeria...
[continued at]
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