Jonathan Tremaine Thomas... on Abortion
IndyChristian Commentary... by Neil Cox, EditorBecause we believe that the Church can do so very much more... every single day... to impact our neighborhoods & communities, we have intentionally tried to steer clear of the political battles that rage today. Moreover, to date, it's been hard to discern one candidate being head-and-shoulders above the other. Neither candidate (IMHO) seems to epitomize Christian principles, or demonstrates he'll be the great defender of the defenseless, and ensure justice for the alien, the poor and the least privileged in society. Both seem to be feverishly waging a battle of rhetoric... especially aimed at the 'middle class' (income up to $250,000... who we kidding?).
We do however advocate heavily for Christ-followers loving our neighbors are ourselves... and being all we can be within our sphere of influence. Here's one such person in our city... taking a strong video stand on behalf of a future generation of the unborn...
[continued to Jonathan Tremaine Thomas' video]
We'll consider others of you who may want to make a strong case for an opposing view -- leave a comment or drop us a line with a link to your site.
But we can't take a lot of time or space to interupt our primary mission of connecting & communicating among driven Christians carrying out the Great Commission. Four-hundred people die in our metro area every week. And if Barna's national statistics fit Indianapolis, that means that only 16 of them held to a 'biblical worldview'. So time's a wastin'.
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