Where Did All The Money (Really) Go?
Neil Cox, Ministry Support Services
Frankly, I didn't really expect to start writing today, but my financial genes have been actively buzzing lately with all the Wall Street talk and the ensuing political rhetoric. Then as if almost divinely directed, I read a local theo-blogger (James Kubecki) write on the financial topic... "Where Did All The Money Go?"
James found a Yale economist's notion 'fascinating' that it's only a fallacy that we lose a pile of money when the stock market tanks."
There's little time or space here to comprehensively address this question of market value; so let me just offer a few items for your reflection...
- Just like courtroom testimonies, we see there are plenty of 'experts' on all sides of an issue. And in the final analysis, it's the responsibility of the jurors to discern truth from fiction. Similarly, there are all sorts of 'experts' about global finance...
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