Want A Ride To CCDA Mini-Conference in Cincy?
[per email from Mary Provence...]"The Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) is having a mini pre conference (Jan 11-12). I just found out about it on the website. It is in Cincinnati at Xavier Univ. and it only costs $10 which includes the cost of Sunday dinner and Monday breakfast. I am going –if you are from the RTW neighborhood or close by – drop me an email and we can try to coordinate ride and possibly room. I also wanted to get the word out to the other urban ministries in town as this was not sent out in a mass mailing by CCDA so I doubt many know about it. Please let others know………"
Here’s the weblink for more info...
IndyChristian Ed. Note... Click to connect with the various CCDA affiliated ministries here in Indy... for year-round urban impact in the name of Christ.
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