"We Were Facebook Before Facebook Was Facebook"
At the Unleavened Bread Cafe we often say, "We were Facebook before Facebook was Facebook". *smile* Why? Because at the heart of its very mission, the cafe is warm & welcoming (in the name of Christ) in the neighborhood. People don't 'dress up' to come to the cafe -- you can come just as you are: you're among friends.
And yeah, we've been taking folks pictures 'at the banner' for years (over 1,700 now in our Flickr-stream)... to honor our guests and to help get to know each other better, sooner.
Today was just another of those 'buzzing' Saturdays at the cafe, as @DrThomasHo (Tom Ho) brought one of his IUPUI Social Media #CIT499 students with him to specially present her class project.
Julie Underwood (known as @JuUnderw on Twitter) shared a howto video with us which she had prepared, which covered a variety of social media concepts... eg. tagging, rss, pipes, lifestream, and social-networking sites.
And, no surprise...
[continued at UBcafe.com]
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