Unlocking the box of Kingdom Expansion
Greetings faithful,I had started a Great Commission leaders facebook group several months ago not exactly certain what I was to do with it. It began as a resource to connect folks with a common vision/mission, to further the work of the Great Commission. What I have discovered over time is that very few of us ministry leaders have a very clear vision for our specific and actionable role in fulfilling the Great Commission. Most of us see our part as limited to our church, community, region, or audience. However, we have to think bigger!
We are living in the second to last scene of this great adventure. We are just seasons away from fulfilling the Great Commission and you and I have an integral role to play in it. I think most of us have been trained to think too small. We are bound to a church system that keeps us trapped within four walls. However, Satan’s worst nightmare is about to unfold. It’s time to catch the vision, engage on the mission, and expand the Kingdom at rates that most of us never thought possible.
Into the future, I will unwrap a very clear vision, an actionable mission, and clear and concise methods and resources to unlock the black box of Kingdom expansion. I am not talking about secrets to church growth or even church planting, but rather extremely simple and unbelievably effective—absolutely field proven throughout the world—insight and methods of expanding the Kingdom. Yes, churches will both grow and be planted as a result. However, this we leave up to the Lord. For our commission is to make disciples; Christ said He would build His church, so we leave those details in His hands.
So I urge you to tune in by reading and meditating on every post. As quickly as I am able, I will pray over and package the best of breed materials to get you mobilized towards one aim: fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation.
May our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit lead the way in taking the nations for His glory.
God bless you,
Marc Carrier
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